Baltic Jazz 2022: A fresh breeze of change and a splash of nostalgia
Together with the other Archipelago Sea Jazz festivals, Baltic Jazz has today published the first part of the festival programme and released associated tickets. Advance tickets for all Archipelago Sea Jazz festivals can be purchased at Tiketti. When buying a ticket, you can make a voluntary donation to support the important work that our environmental partner the John Nurminen Foundation does for the Baltic Sea. The festival series include Baltic Jazz 8-10 July, Korpo Sea Jazz 20-24 July, Turku Sea Jazz 29-30 July and Åland Sea Jazz 5-6 August.
This year’s festival is a mix of the highly anticipated and the unexpected. ”Last year we had to think outside the box to be able to organise a safe festival under restrictions. Thanks to a succesful festival and great visitor feedback, we realized that there was a lot worth continuing with and developing further – regardless of what the future may bring in terms of continued restrictions, a new normal or a return to pre-pandemic life,” says Chairman of the Board, Sanna Järf.
The lush and historical park will continue to serve as the main festival area. On Friday afternoon, the festival is launched by an opening concert with Archipelago Big band and special guest Antti Sarpila, Finnish jazz legend and Creative Director of the festival. The concert continues with Archipelago Small Band – as the name suggests, a smaller version of the big band. The concert is followed by the traditional author’s discussion in the Dalsbruk Library.
The programme includes concerts that were scheduled already for the festival 2020 and not possible to realize even in 2021. Estonian Dixieland Band (EST) feat. Airi Allvee is one of the bands that the Baltic Jazz audience has been waiting for for two years, as well as the internationally renowned Beatles tribute band from Parainen, She’s Leaving Home. Both bands will perform in the park on Friday evening. In the nearby restaurant Strandhotellet, the evening will be concluded by a jam session with Marian Petrescu Trio and guests.
On Friday, festival visitors will be able to enjoy music before the actual opening concert. In the early afternoon, four different bands will take the stage by the market square: Sunny Side Swing Band, México Express, Little Houseband and Cream Pistols. Free concerts have previously been offered on the Jazz Street – this year, the location will change to the market square. ”Last year, we were not able to make the Jazz Street happen due to restrictions, and it turned out to be a natural turning point for us. Dalsbruk has a wide offering and there is no longer the same need for a separate beer tent for our festival goers. The amount of vendors on the Jazz Street has also decreased over the years, but someone with a fresh perspective might be able to breathe some fresh air into this market place again. Here is a great opportunity for an association, entrepreneur or other interested to take over and continue this tradition”, suggests Executive Manager Alexandra Lönnström.
Another concert that is finally happening is the screening of silent movies accompanied by live piano music. On Sunday, following the traditional Jazz Church Service, silent short films ”A Night in the Show” och ”The Immigrant” by Charlie Chaplin will be accompanied by Antti Sarpila on the piano and music from the heyday of Tin Pan Alley. The audience will also be treated to an an entr’acte by the Finnish grande dame of Classic Jazz, vocalist Shirley Sparks, who will perform songs composed by Chaplin, together with Sarpila on the piano.
On Sunday, we will commemorate both a person born and a building completed in 1922. The 100-year old church of Dalsbruk will be filled with the sounds of gospel during a celebratory concert with local choir Baltic Gospel Singers. The 100th anniversary of Erik Lindström will be celebrated by a reunion of his Dream Team. Seppo Hovi, Pekka Toivanen, Wade Mikkola, Antti Sarpila and Thomas Rönnholm will cherish the important legacy of Lindström at the concluding concert in the grand surroundings of Söderlångvik Manor.
Further artists and the programme for Saturday will be published on 1 March, when associated tickets are realeased. At the moment we are only selling 50 % of the concert venue capacities, but more tickets will be released during spring when we are better able to predict the development of COVID-19. The indoor venues Strandhotellet, Söderlångvik and the Church always have a limited number of seats, so we recommend that you purchase your tickets in advance to secure your seat at these concerts. 12–17-year olds get a 50 % discount on most tickets.
The programme for Friday and Sunday can be found here: Festival Programme 2022
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