Baltic Jazz 2020: A Prohibition Era Experience
At this year’s Baltic Jazz, we bring influences from New Orleans, Chicago and Paris to Dalsbruk and begin the new decade with a golden tribute to the the Roaring Twenties! In the historical iron works surroundings of Dalsbruk, you can travel back in time and experience the glamour of a bygone era with music from the heyday of speakeasies, Charleston dancing and silent films with live piano accompaniment.
The festival is held 3-5 July, but this year we jump the gun already before the traditional Head Start concert with Antti Sarpila & Baltic Jazz Trio in Kasnäs. You can enjoy a free concert with Archipelago Small Band already on 1 July on the popular market day in Dalsbruk. We offer more complimentary concerts than ever before and have a new addition to the programme, ”Baltic Jazz Teasers”, where we give you a preview of upcoming concerts.
On Friday, we begin with Open Stage on the Jazz Street (advance registration via e-mail: Maarian VPK:n soittokunta opens the festival with their time-honored parade, followed by an opening concert with Archipelago Sea Jazz All Stars. The quartet is constituted of representatives from each of the four jazz festivals in the new Archipelago Sea Jazz festival series, which is kicked off with this joint jam session. Other free concerts during the weekend are given by: Kimito Island Big Band, Kake & Co, Turku Firehouse Brass Band and She’s Leaving Home – A Beatles Tribute.
The evening continues with the ever-popular author discussion in the Dalsbruk Library and a glorious concert in the unique slag stone church with Baltic Gospel Singers. In the Old Mechanical Workshop, you can reminisce together with Seppo Hovi as Uusi Radion Rytmi-Pojat play the all-time favourites in jazz history. Music is also paired with storytelling in the finale concert in Söderlångvik, where Sofia Finnilä and Jay Kortehisto share tales of the legendary French composer Michel Legrand.
A novelty at this festival is the use of the Old Foundry as a concert venue. In speakeasy surroundings, you can enjoy two evening concerts. On Friday, Baltic Jazz Trio will jam with special guests while Jarl Hohenthal of Glashyttan will entertain with his glass-blowing skills. On Saturday, it’s blues all the way with SeglarJerrys Ånger and Agneta Falck.
Saturday evening in the Old Mechanical Workshop will be a dazzling affair in true Gatsby-style! In addition to musical entertainment provided by Estonian Dixieland Band (EST), Hot Sugar Band (FR) and Stockholm Stompers (SWE), there will also be a 20’s Dance Show with Mildreds kompani (AX) and tantalising burlesque à la Lady Laverna. Together with Sofia Enros & Daniel Johansson from Åland Island, you can learn how to dance the Charleston earlier in the day.
The Frenchmen in Hot Sugar Band also play at the picnic concert in the Park earlier in the day together with jazz singer and actress Nicolle Rochelle (US). At their gig, we look back on the early years of Billie Holiday whereas we celebrate Charlie Parker’s 100th anniversary together with Jukka Perko Trio at the same concert. Traditional marching music is transformed into jazz when Kaartin Seitsikko clad in uniforms take the stage together with Antti Sarpila. More music is offered on Saturday with Good Times Jazz Band and Ami Aspelund in Bio Pony, where we will focus on New Orleans Jazz. On Sunday, Baltic Jazz 2020 All Stars will take you on a musical journey from New Orleans to Chicago and let you experience how jazz music developed in the 20’s.
Baltic Jazz is a festival for the whole family! The popular concept from last year, “Baltic Jazz Kids” is back. Before we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Moomin characters together with Benny Törnroos, we offer lots of fun activities at the Circus Party. The fun continues after the Moomin family leaves the stage – it is then time for fairy tales with dancing and music. With the same ticket, you can also participate in the Charleston-workshop that begins in the same venue right after the story time. With the exception of Baltic Jazz Kids and the concerts with an age limit of 18 years, participation is free for children under 12 years old together with a parent. 12-17-year olds get a 50 % discount on all concerts (same exceptions apply).
Sunday will also be a busy day at Baltic Jazz with a jazz church service, a concert in the park, the finale concert and two free concerts on the Jazz Street. You will also have the opportunity to watch Charlie Chaplin’s shenanigans on screen accompanied by Antti Sarpila on piano with music from the Tin Pan Alley-era. The official after party “Jatkot” will have you rocking till you drop with cover bands Blue Elephant, Apollo Orchestra and Trr Trr Trr.
Tickets are sold at Tiketti. Welcome to Baltic Jazz 2020!
Check out the programme below:
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