Ticket sales for Baltic Jazz 2021 have begun
Update: We are currently monitoring the situation to see how much of the festival programme we are able to implement this summer.
Together with the other festivals in the Archipelago Sea Jazz festival series, Baltic Jazz has begun ticket sales for summer 2021. The festival will largely offer the same programme as planned for summer 2020. Tickets can be bought in advance via Tiketti. When purchasing tickets, it is possible to support the Baltic Sea by making a voluntary donation to the Archipelago Sea Jazz environmental partner the John Nurminen Foundation.
The festival programme is a golden tribute to the Roaring Twenties and offers music from the heyday of speakeasies, dance shows and silent films with live piano accompaniment. In addition to domestic jazz musicians, international artists from France, Sweden and Estonia will perform. At Baltic Jazz Kids, we offer fun for the whole family, and 12-17-years olds get a youth discount on concert tickets*.
At this point there is still only a limited amount of tickets available for purchase, which complies with the current restrictions for events. “We believe in summer 2021, but we do have the current situation in mind when making plans and we are prepared for the fact that our plans may have to change during winter or spring. As we make arrangements for Baltic Jazz in its traditional festival format, we are also discussing alternative solutions if needed when summer comes along”, Executive Manager Alexandra Lönnström informs.
Advance tickets are sold at tiketti.fi/balticjazz. We reserve the right to make changes in the programme and schedules.
* ) does not apply on passes nor tickets to the following concerts:
Baltic Jazz Kids, Let’s Misbehave – A Dazzling Jazz Age Soirée, Jatkot